Not-So-Daily Ramblings

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

See you in 2082, suckers!

Calculate your longevity here

Get your kid ready for "My First Pimp 'n Ho Party" here

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Poker? I hardly know her

I have a problem; it seems that I can never leave well enough alone. And, when I do decide to spice things up, I usually go to the extreme. Well, this past weekend was certainly a perfect display of this personality trait.

For the past six or seven weeks, I've had a group of people over to play poker at my place each week. There are usually 8-10 people that show up and we play for four or five hours. At some point along the way, I decided that the ol' dining room table wasn't cutting it any more and things needed to be spiced up a bit. So, what did I decide to do? Why, build a poker table, of course!

I drew up some plans a week or two ago, ordered up some casino supplies and waited for a free weekend. When Thursday rolled around, I headed down to Home Depot to pick up some wood for the project. I'd paid for everything and even had a few pieces of plywood cut for me, so imagine my disappointment when I got out to the car and realized that none of it would fit in the back seat. It was then that I decided to become a candidate for the Darwin awards. With half the wood in the trunk and the other half sticking out into traffic, secured only by the free twine that they had in front of the store, I crawled back home. Amazingly, I made it back without incident.

On Friday, the rest of my materials showed up and I was ready to get to work. I spent the better part of the weekend measuring, cutting, upholstering, hammering, stapling and swearing. But, on Sunday afternoon, I emerged, victorious!

The fruits of my labor: Poker Table