Not-So-Daily Ramblings

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Mirror, mirror on the wall, I can't see myself at all

How is it that we are in the 21st century and no one has figured out how to make a fog-free mirror? And, before anyone corrects me, yes, I’m aware that there are products out that that claim to be fog free mirrors, but they don’t really work. Well, they work for about half a dozen showers or so and then they’re pretty much worthless.

You see, I like to shave while in the shower, kind of a “kill two birds with one stone” thing (but, I refuse to brush my teeth while I’m in there, so I will never complete the in-shower grooming trifecta). As such, I need a mirror that I can have in the shower with me that will not fog up while I am trying not to dice up my face. I have been through 4-5 of these so called, “scientific wonders” and inevitably, they lose their ability to resist clouding me out. This latest one is no different. I find myself trying to wipe away the coating of fog covering its face, only to have a subsequent layer follow immediately behind my hand, rendering my efforts useless. For some reason, though, there is a small 2”x1” patch at the bottom of the mirror that has miraculously retained the ability to shun condensation. This being my one saving grace, I usually find myself having to contort my body in various directions in an effort to line up a couple square inches of my face with this tiny speck of clear mirror. I feel like Tom Hanks in Castaway, trying to make out bits and pieces of my reflection in the blade of an ice skate. Not being able to see substantial amounts of my face often causes me to leave small, untouched patches of hair; never a good thing. Alas, I will be retiring yet another one of these “fog-free” devices. If anyone has suggestions for a mirror that actually lives up to its claims, I would love to hear about it.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Getting in on the right side

When a mail person ends their shift and goes out to their personal vehicle, how often do you think they try to get in on the passenger side?

Monday, May 24, 2004

What do you do?

What do I hate most about my job? The title. Whenever people ask me what I do, I hesitate for a moment as my mind rifles through other possible, more socially acceptable, positions or creatively spun alternative names that don't conjure up negative associations.

My problem, you see, is that I work in the field of computers. This is all well and good when talking to people from my parents' generation, existing friends, or my fellow compatriots. However, if I mention that I'm a network administrator to a newly met member of the opposite sex in a bar or at a party, I witness their eyes suddenly glaze over as images of Dungeons and Dragons, coke bottle glasses and other geek paraphernalia fill their minds. At that point I might as well ask for a to-go container for my testicles, because I certainly won't be using them for the rest of the night.

I have tried repeatedly to come up with alternative descriptions of what I do to no avail. It's even gotten to the point where I'm making up wacky alternative careers just to steer the conversation away from my true livelihood. Will the tech careers ever absolve themselves from this stigma? I can only hope.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Pack your Lysol

Nude Rollercoastering

Vonnegut speaks out

Monday, May 03, 2004

Casey A. Kindig

I'd just like to take a moment and thank everyone who left a response to my previous entry. I think we were all very surprised and saddened by Casey's sudden departure. Remembering him, the impact he had on our lives and what he meant to each of us will help him to live on in our hearts. I welcome anyone who knew Casey to leave a comment with your thoughts.

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